"Nossa, tem garrafa nas paredes da casa!" - foi uma das primeiras exclamações que escutamos de um dos estudantes ao descermos do carro . A casa e o estilo de vida alternativo que ele escolheu foram um dos maiores objeto de deslumbramento. A casa, a principal desta comunidade alternativa, é feita de barro e tem uma arquitetura bem fora do convencional, com algumas garrafas de vidro servindo de "tijolos" e iluminadores naturais da casa. Um estilo bem diferente dos que normalmente encontramos nas ruas do Pirambu.
Ze Albano, who opened the doors of his home to us - something not uncommon for those who have visited him - gave us a day full of new experiences, adventures and cultural exchanges. Students in the Pirambu Peace Project, which until then had never visited the region of Sabiaguaba were awestruck with the natural beauty of the beach, river and especially the dunes.
"Wow, there are bottles in the walls of the house!" - Was one of the first exclamations that we heard from a student upon arrival to the house. The house and alternative lifestyle that Ze has chosen were a major object of wonder for the students. Ze´s house is made of clay and has an unconventional architecture, with a few glass bottles serving as building blocks and natural illuminators in the house. A style quite different from that normally found in the streets of Pirambu.
Zé nos convidou para sentarmos em círculo, no chão à frente da sua casa, lugar em que periodicamente acontece os encontros da Lua Cheia, e fez uma rodada de apresentação, ao qual inicialmente ele pede para que todos friccionem as mãos e, ao contar até três, batam palmas. O intuito é energizar as pessoas, o ambiente e descontrair o momento. Depois, pediu que todos colocassem os polegares para cima, em seguida virassem para esquerda e unisse com as mãos do companheiro ao lado, " A mão que está com a palma para cima passará energia, e a que está com a palma para baixo receberá. Concluindo, estaremos todos em uma única corrente, onde a energia de um passará para o outro. Para sentir isso, basta apertar a mão do seu companheiro ao lado, ele apertar do outro e consecutivamente...No final, todos do círculo teremos apertado e sentido o aperto. - disse Zé .
Ze invited us to sit in a circle on the ground in front of his home and made a round of presentations. To start out he asked for everyone to rub their hands together, and on the count of three for everyone to clap once simultaneously. The aim is to energize people, the environment and unwind the moment. Then he asked everyone to put their thumbs up, then turn their thumbs to the left and join hands with their neighbor, "The hand with the palm up passes the energy, and the hand with the palm down receives the energy. We are all in a single chain, where the energy of one person moves directly to another. To feel it, I will squeeze the hand beside me and he will squeeze the hand next to him... In the end, we have tightened the circle, as everyone has felt the squeeze. - Ze said.
Soon afterwards, Ze invited everyone to explore his community and home with their cameras, feeling free to take photos of whatever they wanted.
Sidenote: The same day, Ze had several guests from
Watching from afar, we soon saw many students gathering around these guests. The rest of the group were greatly intrigued with the guests as they invited us into another circle of presentations. One of the guests began painting the faces of all with urucum, a type of red dye that is widely used by Indians for various purposes. Overall this was quite a new experience for the group of city kids.
At the end of the conversation, Ze invited us to a river his house. When we returned, Lunch! Another experience that certainly was new for the students ... for lunch was "a la vegetariana." By the end of the trip, the only complaint was the lack of meat for lunch!
At the end of lunch, we took a break for relaxation. And soon after, a short lesson on portraiture. The group was filled with curious eyes and ears eager to learn the tips of our friend Ze.
Running to not miss the sunset, we quickly said goodbye to everyone in the house and went directly to meet the gorgeous spectacle of the sand dunes of Sabiaguaba.
What a great end to such an amazing day!
; )
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ResponderExcluirPut'z esse dia vai ficar marcado com um dos melhores das nossas vidas pois esse "Seu Zé" op's Zé é uma figura ilustre tenho orgulho de ter conhecido ele e foi muito proveitoso ;D vllw Zé até a proxima ;D
ResponderExcluirEstou super orgulhosa de ter conhecido o projeto de perto! Parabéns meninos e meninas! Um futuro brilhante, cheio de cores, arte e alegria!